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Please note we are unable to respond private individuals about vehicle valuations.

* Mandatory

Please note that we can offer our products and services to business customers only. A Glass’s employee will contact you personally and explain the Glass’s products and services to you. The processing of your personal data is based on Article 6 paragraph 1 point b) and point f) GDPR as described in the Glass’s Privacy Policy.

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How to find us

Glass Information Services (Autovista Group)
Suite 1, 7th Floor, 50 Broadway,
London, SW1H 0BL, England,

Glass’s Information Services Ltd. is a company registered in England company number 717446 VAT Registration Number: 413642967 Glass’s may monitor calls for training and customer service purposes, we comply to Governmental legislation and guidance under the Lawful Business Practice Regulations BERR and refer to: ‘The Lawful Business Practice Regulations and Section 1(3) of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act will come into force on 24 October 2000.’