Event Type: Event

Začetni Tečaj: Eurotax EMA (ERE) 24.11.2023

On-line tečaj za delo s programom EMA (ERE).


obveščamo vas, da se lahko prijavite na On-line začetni tečaj za delo s programom EMA (ERE). Na šolanju vam bomo prikazali sistem kalkuliranja stroškov popravil po Eurotax metodologiji ter možnosti in prednosti uporabe programa v praksi. Skupaj bomo rešili tudi nekaj praktičnih primerov.

Prijava na začetno šolanje

Spletni tečaj bo izveden v torek, 24.10.2023 s pričetkom ob 09:00 uri. Pred pričetkom vam bo poslan spletni naslov za prijavo.

**Menjava termina izobraževanja je mogoča po predhodnem dogovoru.

Glass’s training Webinar – 20 September 2023

This webinar will help you quickly and accurately value vehicles and sell them at the best price.

Sign up and see how to:

  • Navigate your way around the system
  • Quickly find and value vehicles you are looking for (via VRM or using Make and Model search) 
  • Use Live Retail (Radar) to compare vehicle prices across online exchanges and ensure your prices are always competitive 
  • Record valuations, offers, transactions and your customers’ details. 
  • Get familiar with the Admin area – so you can set up new users and other extras

Click here to sign up

Glass’s training Webinar – 16 August 2023

This webinar will help you quickly and accurately value vehicles and sell them at the best price.

Sign up and see how to:

  • Navigate your way around the system
  • Quickly find and value vehicles you are looking for (via VRM or using Make and Model search) 
  • Use Live Retail (Radar) to compare vehicle prices across online exchanges and ensure your prices are always competitive 
  • Record valuations, offers, transactions and your customers’ details. 
  • Get familiar with the Admin area – so you can set up new users and other extras

Click here to sign up

Glass’s training Webinar – 19 July 2023

This webinar will help you quickly and accurately value vehicles and sell them at the best price.

Sign up and see how to:

  • Navigate your way around the system
  • Quickly find and value vehicles you are looking for (via VRM or using Make and Model search) 
  • Use Live Retail (Radar) to compare vehicle prices across online exchanges and ensure your prices are always competitive 
  • Record valuations, offers, transactions and your customers’ details. 
  • Get familiar with the Admin area – so you can set up new users and other extras

Click here to sign up

Glass’s training Webinar – 19 June 2023

This webinar will help you quickly and accurately value vehicles and sell them at the best price. 

Sign up to see how you can: 

  • Navigate your way around the system
  • Quickly find and value vehicles you are looking for (via VRM or using Make and Model search) 
  • Use Live Retail (Radar) to compare vehicle prices across online exchanges and ensure your prices are always competitive 
  • Record valuations, offers, transactions and your customers’ details. 

Click here to sign up

Glass’s training Webinar – 27 April 2023

This webinar will help you quickly and accurately value vehicles and sell them at the best price.

Sign up and see how to:

  • Navigate your way around the system
  • Quickly find and value vehicles you are looking for (via VRM or using Make and Model search) 
  • Use Live Retail (Radar) to compare vehicle prices across online exchanges and ensure your prices are always competitive 
  • Record valuations, offers, transactions and your customers’ details. 
  • Get familiar with the Admin area – so you can set up new users and other extras

Click here to sign up

Glass’s training Webinar – 24 May 2023

This webinar will help you quickly and accurately value vehicles and sell them at the best price.

Sign up and see how to:

  • Navigate your way around the system
  • Quickly find and value vehicles you are looking for (via VRM or using Make and Model search) 
  • Use Live Retail (Radar) to compare vehicle prices across online exchanges and ensure your prices are always competitive 
  • Record valuations, offers, transactions and your customers’ details. 
  • Get familiar with the Admin area – so you can set up new users and other extras

Click here to sign up